Hello everyone, and welcome to the new website! My purpose of this website is to share with others as an immediate family member of a child with non-verbal level 3 autism spectrum disorder and a global developmental delay what day-to-day life looks like for us!
I want to share helpful information and real-life experiences because when you first enter into this new world of an Autism diagnosis and everything that goes along with it, it can be very scary and overwhelming. I would like it to be easier for you so you have a smooth transition. Although ASD looks different in every scenario, it is nice to see and relate to similar experiences.
Autism is not a disease, it is a different way of processing information in the brain. I want you to see how special it can be to start seeing life through them in their eyes instead of seeing it as a diagnosis.
Join us on this journey with Gracelynn, as we would love to join your journey with you! Send any email questions/comments to: